In this November blog, I give thanks to educators with a humorous observation on how I am dealing with the stress educators feel right now.

I celebrate Christmas but have cringed at the sound of carols playing in the drugstore when Halloween candy was still on the shelves.
I've fretted over “Black Friday” sales that came weeks prematurely and sent me into an Amazon-frenzy, fearing I wouldn't get that “almost gone” lego set my kids really wanted.
Knowing how busy and crazed things get with the holidays, I have often put off thinking about Christmas until I couldn't avoid it any longer. (One year we even got our tree on Dec. 24th.)
But this year something is different.
I let my daughter “deck the halls” of our home with Christmas trinkets the day after Trick-or-Treating. I sent my less-than-enthusiastic husband to put reindeer lights on our lawn when fall leaves still hung tight to their branches. I've enjoyed a never-ending loop of Christmas jazz as I write a second edition of my first book. And although I'm not a baker, I've flooded my Pinterest with holiday cookie recipes.
Why my unusual need for Christmas comfort before pumpkin season is over?
Maybe it's because I've been hearing from a number of school leaders that they are experiencing more exhaustion than ever before. Perhaps it's the concern I have for the future of marginalized children in our schools or the uncertainty of the changes to the U.S. Department of Education. Or it might just be more personal, like the realization that I only have two more years before my twins head to college.
These unsettling times have caused me to seek comfort and joy, albeit in an early Christmas. But at the advice of a dear colleague, this holiday I am also going to cherish the good that there is.
Throughout whatever holidays you celebrate this season,
I hope you can cherish the good moments from this year.
Like when you spark the joy of learning in a student or help a colleague be an even better teacher or make a mistake that helps you grow as a leader. Cherish the time you have with people who are important to you in school and your life.
I can truly say that I have cherished every moment I've had this year with you and all the incredible educators I've reached through my books, blogs, virtual courses, in-person workshops and conferences.
Connection and partnership have brought me tremendous joy and deep learning. Grateful for you!
Happy Holidays!
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